Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I know, I know, I have been pretty slack with updates lately. But believe me, I have been keeping myself busy as. I am now officially fully recovered from the two National Chap events (24hr and Marathon) and have sat down with Simon (the coach), to work out what needs to be done between now and the Worlds in October. The good news is there is plenty of time to get my strength up to a level where I should be competing at the front end of the race. The National 24hr was a little set back, but it did show me I have the speed, I just need to get it all together and I should be alright.

I was planning on racing the Kona Dirty Weekend in the 24hr solo category, but have really struggled to get either the kids baby sat or figure out a way to have them all travel with us (I won't do a 24hr solo without Robyn there to help). It would have been nice to simply ride the whole 24 hours comfortably and try a few new things I want to implement into my racing. Instead I will be racing the 12hr as part of the same event(2pm - 2am). I haven't raced a 12hr in a long time, so it should be a lot of fun.

A month after this event, it is back to SA for the Kona Mawson Marathon. This will really be a very unique event in so many ways. I have yet to work out the full details on how we will manage to have a support 4wd with us thought the entire race, but I can now let you know I will be riding the 380km with Jason English. Together we should be able to smash out a fasted paced ride and with any luck there will be some other strong teams entered to keep things interesting.

In other news, I finished building a new roadie over the weekend. So the old one is being cleaned up, fitted with new bar tape and a few other bits and pieces and sold off. So if you know anyone after a sweet road bike going cheep, let me know. Pictures can be seen over HERE. The new bike will go for it's first ride tonight. Hopefully I can do it justice over the winter months.

On a work related note, I finally have my website live (thanks to Rohin). You can check it out over HERE. We still have a few bugs to iron out, but at least I now have something to direct potential clients to.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The aftermath

Well that's racing. I was looking good up until 2am, sitting in fourth hunting third. Then bang, no drive left. I rolled around till 4am. Then decided to cut my losses and call it quits. This would give me a much faster recovery.

We will sit down this week and see where things went wrong. Some things went great, so once again I have learned something.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

5 Hours In

Top 5 all within 2 minutes, Andy in 3rd and everything going well.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Nats, ready to go...

I made it here in good time. Got things all set up and rode 2 laps of the course. Transition is set up a little different this year, with double the riders of previous years, no pit tents will be anywhere near the feed zone. This doesn't affect riders, but supporters need to make the journey back and forth every half hour or so.

The course was lots of fun... it runs in an opposite direction to any of the races I have done here, but it flows nicely. I rode my 120, SRAM gave me some 2011 120mm SIDS, first impressions, bloody fantastic. They soak up the bumps like nothing else. I will be happy lapping on that and the Hei Hei 100.