“Here is a pic of Pop ‘throwing for the line’ at Newtown to beat N. Wood and win the final of the Southern Tasmanian Half-Mile Championship in March 1950 (a pic from the Mercury newspaper 20 March 1950). Look at the frame, not sure if it is the one we have, it should be but perhaps with the original paint? The handlebars, headstem, cranks and chain ring are the ones we have – note the white toe straps. Check out the other guys elbow and arm pads, and the helmets (or stack hats as we used to call them). I remember I had one exactly like the other guys – there were two in the shed when I picked up the gear, but the leather was so badly rotted I didn’t keep them – I should have! On this pic you can see the lacing pattern if you zoom up. Note also on Pop’s back wheel there is a cog on either side of the hub, so he could choose a different gear for specific distances. The wheels on this bike are the alloy ones we have.”
I received this email from my Uncle Richie in WA today. Between him and myself Pop’s bike restoration may come together sooner than first thought. I am planning on sending the frame to Richie in the next week or two for him to organise the re-pray and hand painted decals. It’s all coming together nicely.
I received this email from my Uncle Richie in WA today. Between him and myself Pop’s bike restoration may come together sooner than first thought. I am planning on sending the frame to Richie in the next week or two for him to organise the re-pray and hand painted decals. It’s all coming together nicely.
very cool.
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